Anthropology & Aboriginal Dreaming
The Rainbow Serpent
The Rainbow Serpent is one of the most important beings of Aboriginal folklore, responsible for shaping the earth into the forms it holds today.
From "Dreamtime: Life, Afterlife and the Soul in Australian Aboriginal Religion" by David Turner (1991)
The Wurramarrba
A bark painting depicting the origins of the Wurramarrba family.
Birth of the Butterflies
Artistic depiction of the birth of the butterflies by Mu-raay Djeripi (Peter Mulcahy).
Each Part of a Whole
A painting from Muraay Djeripi's indigenous knotting series telling the story of the core beliefs of Indigenous Australia.
Board for Anthropological Research Collections #50
A photograph of fieldwork being completed by multidisciplinary teams from the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Museum in Central Australia, c. 1923-1974.
The Rainbow Serpent
Rock art at Ubirr, A depicting the Rainbow Serpent.
Pilati Wanampi Tjukurpa
Piltati is the well-known Tjukurpa story of the two water serpents who live in the Piltati rockhole. This is the artist's, Witjiti George, mother’s country on the Anangu Pitjantjara Yankunytjatjara lands in South Australia.
Artistic depiction by Mu-raay Djeripi of a vision of "two spirit ancestors watching over me."
Wanampi Rainbow Serpent
"Wanampi" is the name of the water serpent or Rainbow Serpent given by the Pitjantjara people of the Central Autralian desert near Uluru.